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Tag: Winter Springs

Data Privacy Day

Sunday was Data Privacy Day. A time set aside for promoting awareness about digital security. But after a recent study from McAfee, at least two things remained very clear. First, that far too many Internet users rely on default passwords (40%). And second, that far too many parents confirm not knowing enough about digital security […]

How Do I Handle My Medical Bills?

Following an accident, doctors can become a familiar part of the aftermath. The first appointment has x-rays, the next includes a diagnosis, and then you’re in a loop of recovery and treatment. Before you know it, the bills have started showing up and you are stuck trying to figure out how to pay it all. Few things can be more unexpectedly overwhelming. This is another reason to contact a trustworthy attorney.

How long do I have to file an Automobile Accident Lawsuit in Florida?

Car accidents weigh heavy on all parties involved. Whether you caused it, were hurt by it, or were simply caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, an accident means dealing with any number of decisions that can last for weeks and even months. So what happens when you realize, over time, that the costs of your accident are becoming a financial burden that you never saw coming?

Workers’ Compensation Crash

We tend to think of Workers’ Compensation as that thing someone claims when they are injured using a forklift or falling off a ladder. And while those are indeed legitimate reasons to make a claim, those are far less common than, say, getting into a car accident while doing a service for your employer. Perhaps […]

What are Damages?

More often than not, when you think of damages, especially in terms of an accident, you’re thinking about the dents, the scratches, and the physical toll your vehicle or body has taken after being hit. But in legal terms, the word “damages” simply refers to the monetary reward given to an offended party, either through settlement or through the decision of a court.

Florida Bicycle Month

March has currently been deemed Florida Bicycle Month per Governor Rick Scott. And while Orlando may not have made last year’s list of Top 50 US cities for biking, it’s fair to say that Central Florida still has some of the best trails in the country. For example, Seminole County alone has four major trails […]


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